Friday 31 August 2007

We are really excited to introduce our new logo.

Designed by: Sam Stephens

( also credit to : Jon Ross Hay & Poppy Stedman)

Tuesday 21 August 2007

Casting Breakdown

TheCuriousRoom are auditioning for their first play: Vampirella, originally a radio play by Angela Carter. The company is hosting a three-night charity event for the Kid’s Comapnay’s charity: The Urban Academy during the Halloween period of 2007.
Countess-female, under 25, a vampire, child-like, delicate features, good R.P. Accent.
Count- male- 30+, not visable to audience therefore needs rich arresting voice. R.P. or good Eastern European accent preferable. Mrs.Beane-female-40+,strong character actress. Ecellent scottish accent. Small rotund physique with motherly qualities hiding her dark past. The Gate Keeper-male, this character has no speaking part, but, requires an imposing presence and strong facial features with good comic timing. Unfortunatley work on the production will be un-paid. Rehearsals will take place during the evenings and weekends, starting 6th-25th October. The performances will take place on 26-28th October at the George IV Theatre Space at TheSouthSideBar on Brixton Hill SW2.Please send photographs and resumes to TheCuriousRoom by email to